

Funkyromeo GbR, Berlin, Germany

To reach us by email, please use the contact form

or write to: is an online company and communicates with its members primarily via chat or email.


We ask for your understanding that our support staff can only provide information about the functionality of the online portal in exceptional cases.


Youth protection is a filter for the internationally recognized protection system ICRA. It protects children and young people from danger from eroticism or violence on German-language Internet sites. You can download the recommended ICRA software free of charge at

Dispute resolution

Online dispute resolution in accordance with Article 14 Para. 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at the following address:
EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution:

Intellectual property

All names, logos, graphics, source code, service marks and trademarks appearing on this website, including the trademarks, service marks, ® brand names, symbols, trade names, graphics, designs, copyrights, uniforms, source codes and all other intellectual property rights ('Content as well as Layout') are, unless otherwise specified, the protected intellectual property of Bulldog Production and its affiliated companies, websites or are used with their permission or under license. This includes the entire content of the website, which is protected by copyright and other rights as a collective work. The use or misuse of these trademarks or the other content of this website, other than as set forth in these Terms of Use and the content of the website, is strictly prohibited.
You may print copies of the information on this website for your personal use, save the files on your computer for personal use, or link to this server from your own documents. However, it is not permitted to distribute texts, images or graphics to third parties without our express written consent. You may also not copy and distribute this information to another server or modify or reuse the text or graphics on this or any other system without our permission. We reserve all other rights. Your use of the Website is limited to personal and non-commercial use only, unless other uses are expressly granted to you.
You may not copy, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost or otherwise display the content of the Website for public or commercial purposes unless we have written permission for such use Content granted.

Editorial image sources

Apple, Google, Facebook, Canstockphoto, istockphoto, pixabay